Video Demonstration – Nonnie’s Biscotti

Home is a place not only of strong affections, but of entire unreserve; it is life’s undress rehearsal, its backroom, its dressing room.
~Harriet Beecher Stowe
A holiday indulgence, if you please. In all their splendor, linked below are eight uncut, unedited, completely amateur (by yours truly) videos of our day of biscotti making with Aunt Dot. Interspersed with an intro to “The Monsta,” nuggets of family chatter and some wicked dance moves (don’t ask but do watch video 8 if you dare), you will find all of the secrets to making a perfect batch (or six if you are Aunt Dot) of Nonnie’s biscotti. Enjoy or be afraid … you decide!
The recipe, in all its written glory is here.
In the video are three generations of my maternal family – the three aunts: Dot, Bunny (my mother) and Lisa; the two nieces: Monica and I; and three grandchildren: Stephanie (my daughter … lucky, lucky girl!) and Monica’s two. This is possibly the smallest get-together we’ve ever had in this kitchen but I needed room to let my cinematographic muse free. Apologies that she did not attend; I did my best without her. Be kind!
UPDATE 17 May 2021: We lost Aunt Dot on April 30th of this year, four months shy of her 79th birthday though you wouldn’t have guessed it from looking at her. While it will take a bit to collect my thoughts to write up a proper post, I hope you can enjoy this series of eight videos which – to me – is Aunt Dot in a nutshell. Please note her prized Maryland flag shorts and most excellent dance moves.